“Dental disease is affecting over 70% of dogs and cats before the age of 2”
How scary is that statement?! Read that carefully, 70% before the age of 2!
Let’s try and understand why this is happening.

The majority of pet owners feed kibble because that’s what’s out there and what has been the norm since the early 1900’s. There are countless different brands and types of kibble out there to meet every pet parent’s needs and wants these days. Despite the variety and what they say on the package about their ingredients kibble is still a processed food. As with any processed, starchy food we know it will get stuck on our teeth more. Dogs are eating this multiple times a day for their entire lives. Plaque is just building up on their teeth and eventually turning into tarter and that’s when the real damage begins.
Now, how do we fix this problem? Fresh, whole foods free of carbs and lots of raw meaty bones for your dogs to chew on. Raw feeding alone will help keep your dogs mouth free of nasty carbs but chewing on raw meaty bones provides them with a natural and very effective cleaning.
Dogs love to chew. A lot of us know this because our favorite pair of shoes may have been destroyed as a reminder of how much they love this activity. Raw meaty bones are a wonderful way for your dog to work out their need to chew and clean their teeth as well. Your dog has the teeth and jaws of a carnivore and they are designed to rip and tear flesh from bone. The meat on the bones allow for this activity and it’s not only physically tasking but mentally as well. This is what dog’s innately do, so let them.
Just think, giving your dog’s some bones and feeding them a fresh diet with no carbs you are providing them with a physical and mental workout, saving hundreds of dollars in vet bills, keeping them from having pain and difficult procedures and ultimately having a happier and healthier dog. So maybe this old man was onto something here, go ahead; give your dog a bone.